Most Powerful Open Source ERP

ERP5 Awarded Best ERP Implementation by Decision Informatique Professional Magazine

Professional panel recognizes the excellence of Coramy implementation of ERP5 and Nexedi technology
  • Last Update:2008-07-06
  • Version:0.1
  • Language:en

Coramy, a European leader of apparel industry and first user of ERP5, was awarded best ERP implementation project in the special edition of Décision Informatique on June, 21st, 2004. A panel of 40 corporate managers, researchers and journalists voted this award. They recognize the excellence of ERP5 implementation as Open Source / Libre Software in a highly mission critical manufacturing environment. ERP5 is an Enterprise Resource Planning Solution published under Open Source / Libre Licenses. ERP5 main features include customer relation management (CRM), production management (MRP), supply chain management (SCM), product design management (PDM), accounting, human resources and e-commerce.

For Thierry Brettnacher, COO of Coramy, "this award recognizes our vast corporate investment in the development of Open Source technologies for mission critical enterprise computing. ERP5 provides us unparalleled flexibility. Our choice of Libre Software development model has led us to design a generic architecture which can now be implemented in other companies and organisations."

Jean-Paul Smets, CEO of Nexedi SARL and leader of the ERP5 project adds "ERP5 was designed from the ground up as a Web application based on Zope transactional workflow application server and a cluster architecture. ERP5 introduces major innovations in the design of ERP systems with a document oriented *Unified Business Model* (UBM) approach. ERP5 innovative design allows to model with the exact same concepts human resources as well as production planning or accounting. ERP5 unified design drastically reduces the implementation costs of an ERP solution. We consider the award of Décision Informatique as a recognition of the excellence of ERP5 technical foundation."

Members of the panel who elected ERP5 explain their choice. Jacques Eltaber, director of the Test Group laboratory: "this application is exemplary both for the ambition of the ERP5 project which is based on Linux and for the courage of Coramy management which has trusted Nexedi for the implementation." Gérard Boulon, CIO of PSG: "the enterprise application could fit to the client needs for a cheaper budget than initially planned and is going to evolve based on community contributions." Alexandre Zapolsky, CEO of Linagora: "The Coramy case shows how to leverage open source software the right way".

Stéfane Fermigier, CEO of Nuxeo, points out "Nuxeo has adopted ERP5 for its commercial offering in order to provide a complete solution for both content management, collaborative work and for the management of quantitative data. Combined with Nuxeo CPS , ERP5 can be used to manage a budget process, taking into account roles, security, reporting and project management. ERP5 and CPS have become the most complete development environment for e-government."

Jean-Paul Smets concludes: "ERP5 is already a great ERP solution for medium and large organisations with complex management processes. Nexedi will soon publish a simplified version of ERP5 dedicated to small enterprises and with little or no requirement for parametrization."

About Nexedi

Nexedi is a consulting and development services company helping small and medium organisations to choose open source / free software and fulfill their IT application needs. Nexedi is the founder of the ERP5 project, a Free / Open Source ERP software based on innovative technologies ( Nexedi is the global coordinator of the OpenBrick embedded platform ( Nexedi customers include apparel industry, telecommunication industry and consumer electronics.