Transformation Script Cont.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
out_array_list = out_array
in_data_array = in_array["Data Array"]
progress_indicator = in_array["Progress Indicator"]
in_zbigarray = in_data_array.getArray()
if in_zbigarray is None:
if in_zbigarray.shape[0] == 0:
# first fill array with lowest resolution
default_data_array = out_array_list[0]["Data Array"]
default_resolution = out_array_list[0]["resolution"]
default_frequency = pd.to_timedelta(default_resolution)
default_zbigarray = default_data_array.getArray()
index = progress_indicator.getIntOffsetIndex()
# convert data to DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(in_zbigarray[index:].copy(), index='date')
# ignore data before start date of output array
if default_zbigarray is not None:
if default_zbigarray.shape[0] != 0:
df = df.loc[str(default_zbigarray[0]['date']):]
if len(df) == 0:
# resample
df = df.resample(default_resolution).agg(['min','mean','max']).fillna(0)
# rename columns from tuples like ('x', 'min') to names like 'x_min'
df.columns = ['%s%s' % (a, '_%s' % b if b else '') for a, b in df.columns]
context.log("df.columns = ", df.columns)
# save date vector for later
date_vector = df.index.values.copy()
context.log("date_vector = ", date_vector)
# convert data back to ndarray
default_data = df.to_records(convert_datetime64=False)
# view as structured array
# set date to zero where all values are 0
mask_zero = (df==0).all(axis=1)
default_data['date'][mask_zero] = 0
if default_zbigarray is None:
default_zbigarray = default_data_array.initArray(shape=(0,), dtype=default_data.dtype.fields)
if default_zbigarray.shape[0] == 0:
# calculate start and stop index of new data in output array
default_start_index = int((date_vector[0] - default_zbigarray[0]['date']) / default_frequency)
default_stop_index = int((date_vector[-1] - default_zbigarray[0]['date']) / default_frequency + 1)
# make sure data fits in
if default_stop_index > default_zbigarray.shape[0]:
# fill holes in new data with values from old data
old_data = default_zbigarray[default_start_index:default_stop_index]
default_data[mask_zero ] = old_data[mask_zero]
# write new_data to zbigarray
default_zbigarray[default_start_index:default_stop_index] = default_data
# now use data in first resolution array for all other arrays
for out_array in out_array_list[1:]:
out_data_array = out_array["Data Array"]
out_array_resolution = out_array["resolution"]
out_zbigarray = out_data_array.getArray()
if out_zbigarray is None:
out_zbigarray = out_data_array.initArray(shape=(0,), dtype=default_data.dtype.fields)
if out_zbigarray.shape[0] == 0:
start_index = 0
out_array_frequency = pd.to_timedelta(out_array_resolution)
new_stop_date = default_zbigarray[0]['date'] + default_zbigarray.shape[0] * default_frequency
old_stop_date = out_zbigarray[0]['date'] + out_zbigarray.shape[0] * out_array_frequency
start_date = old_stop_date - out_array_frequency
if old_stop_date >= new_stop_date:
# find row index in in_array from where to start resampling
start_index = int(max((start_date - default_zbigarray[0]['date']) / default_frequency, 0))
# if we got data which has been already resampled, then we resample again and overwrite
start_index = min(start_index, default_start_index)
data = default_zbigarray[start_index:].copy()
# convert data to DataFrame and resample
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data, index='date')
# set our own date range index so that we can resample and keep 0-dates
resampling_start_date = default_zbigarray[0]['date'] + start_index * default_frequency
df.index = pd.date_range(start=resampling_start_date,
freq=default_frequency) = 'date'
# resample each column with appropriate aggregation method
aggregation_dict = {c: c.split('_')[-1] for c in df.columns}
df = df.resample(out_array_resolution).agg(aggregation_dict).fillna(0)
# save date vector for later
date_vector = df.index.values.copy()
# convert data back to ndarray
new_data = df.to_records(convert_datetime64=False)
# set date to zero where all values are 0
new_data['date'][(df==0).all(axis=1)] = 0
if out_zbigarray.shape[0] == 0:
# calculate start and stop index of new data in output array
start_index = int((date_vector[0] - out_zbigarray[0]['date']) / out_array_frequency)
stop_index = int((date_vector[-1] - out_zbigarray[0]['date']) / out_array_frequency + 1)
# make sure data fits in
if stop_index > out_zbigarray.shape[0]:
# write new_data to zbigarray
out_zbigarray[start_index:stop_index] = new_data
This script takes as an input data from Data Array and resamples it by given rules and writes it to new Data Arrays.
Don't forget to save the changes after editing the script.