If you are doing the course during a university class or if you want to receive a certificate for the course, then you must register for the evaluation of the course. For students from the supinfo university, there is a dedicated registration form at https://www.tiolive.com/questionnaire/ERP5Site_viewNewCredentialRequestDialog. All others, please register at https://www.tiolive.com/questionnaire/MOOC.Subscription
The only requirement is to find a real case for the interview and your ERP configuration. For the evaluation, you have to do an interview with the management of an organisation. It can be a small company, like for exmaple, a shop, an engineering company, a service company or a production company. Or it can be a department in a larger organistation. Or a not-for-profit organisation. Or a public administration. It is important, that you do the interview with the management of the organisation, else it will not work.