The ParallelListField is a ERP5 widget used to split a huge MultiListField into multiple ListField, MultiListField.
Table of Contents
Add a new ParallelListField¶
Usually, such widget is added in ERP5 Form.
You have to select one ERP5 Form in the Zope Management Interface (ZMI). Then
you have on the top right a list of widget that you might add. Please, select a
The configuration is almost the same as a MultiListField, except that you can
also define a hash script.
Hash script¶
In this field, you have to enter a python script name, which we have to define
(example: DeliveryLine_hashVariationCategoryItemList
You need to get a list of items (i.e. a list of pairs of a title and a path).
Usually, you can simply use a TALES Expression like this one : python: here.getVariationRangeCategoryItemList()
Write a valid python hash script¶
Parameters list¶
Python script must accept those parameters: item_list, value_list, default_sub_field_property_dict={}, is_right_display=0
- item_list is the list of possibilities displayed by the field.
- value_list is the list of selected values.
- default_sub_field_property_dict is a template automatically given to make the configuration easier.
The script will hash the item_list into a list of dictionnaries, each dictionnary
containing information to create a new ListField.
# Define a dictionary where we store the subfields to display.
sub_field_dict = {}
split_depth = 1
# Maximum size of the MultiListField
maximum_list_size = 5
# Try to assign each item to a sub field.
for item in item_list:
# Get value of the item
item_value = item[int(not is_right_display)]
# Hash key from item_value
item_split = item_value.split('/')
item_key = '/'.join(item_split[:split_depth])
base_category = item_split[0]
# Create a new subfield if necessary
if not sub_field_dict.has_key(item_key):
# Create property dict (key are field parameters)
sub_field_property_dict = default_sub_field_property_dict.copy()
sub_field_property_dict['key'] = item_key
sub_field_property_dict['title'] = context.portal_categories[base_category].getTitle()
sub_field_property_dict['required'] = 0
sub_field_property_dict['field_type'] = 'MultiListField'
sub_field_property_dict['size'] = 1
sub_field_property_dict['item_list'] = []
sub_field_property_dict['value'] = []
sub_field_dict[item_key] = sub_field_property_dict
# Put the value in the correct sub field.
sub_field_property_dict['size'] = min(len(sub_field_dict[item_key]['item_list']) , maximum_list_size )
if item_value in value_list:
# Return the list of subfield configuration.
return sub_field_dict.values()
Improve the rendering¶
By default, ERP5 html templates use the method 'render' define in Formulator,
which only generate the field by himself, without any title. Then, the page
template field_render give a title to this field. As our ParallelListField
can contain for example 25 subfields, having only one title shared for all
of them is a bit poor from a GUI point of view.
In order to improve this issue, we will use the method render_htmlgrid, which
return a list of field associated to their title (1 title per subfield in our
<tal:block metal:define-macro="field_render">
<tal:block tal:define="value python:request.get(, None)">
<tal:block tal:define="html_render python: field.render_htmlgrid(value, request)">
<tal:block tal:condition="python:field.meta_type != 'HiddenStringField'">
<tal:repeat repeat="html_tuple html_render">
<td tal:content="structure python: html_tuple[0]"
tal:attributes="class python:
{0: {0: None, 1: 'required'},
1: {0: 'error', 1: 'reqerror'}}[field_errors.has_key(][field.is_required()]"
i18n:translate="" i18n:domain="ui" />
<tal:block tal:replace="structure python: html_tuple[1]" />
<tr tal:condition="python: field_errors.has_key(">
<td />
<td tal:content="python:field_errors[].error_text"
i18n:translate="" i18n:domain="ui"
class="error" />
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